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Shana Whitmarsh to Present AI and Blockchain Research Keynote at 2021 Sensors Innovation Week: Summer Edition Virtual Event

Shana Whitmarsh to Present AI and Blockchain Research Keynote at 2021 Sensors Innovation Week: Summer Edition Virtual Event


Image for Shana Whitmarsh keynote at Sensors Innovation Week, June 23, 2021

June 3, 2021

The 2021 Sensors Innovation Week: Summer Edition virtual conference is a three-day event that will cover a wide range of new developments in the sensor industry including applications, current and future trends in sensors, embedded systems, IoT and wireless technologies. Shana Whitmarsh has been selected as a keynote presenter to discuss Whitmarsh Research Group’s research and development of AI and blockchain sensors in, “Integrating AI Blockchain Traffic Management System Sensors Into Smart Cities.” Her keynote presentation is included in the Embedded Track: IoT Devices: Strategies and Tech Innovations that Beat the Heat.

View the keynote on Wednesday June 23, 2021 from 11:00am-11:15am PDT/ 2:00pm – 2:15pm EDT.


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